The Oscars - but for FOOD?!

Imagine the Oscars. Your eyes are glued to the TV screen as you witness a star-studded lineup gracing this grand occasion. You eagerly await the announcing of the winners, the award is a testament of the accomplishment of each star, celebrating the crème de la crème of the filmmaking world.
While you might be familiar with the prestige of the Oscars, have you wondered if there was an accolade of this prestige given to something more familiar and essential to all of us - food?
Well, there is. The Guild of Fine Food’s Great Taste Award is often known as the "Oscars" in the world of food, standing as one of the top four most trusted international food accreditation systems in the world.
What makes this award so special?
Let's talk about the judges first. Formed in 1995, the Guild of Fine Food is made up of over 500 top chefs, food critics and leading food retailers based in the United Kingdom.
Every year, chefs and food producers from all over the world send their top products to the United Kingdom to be judged. Once it reaches the Guild, professionally-trained judges would prepare each food product just as the sender intended. After being meticulously prepared, each dish is blind tasted by the judging panel. This thorough and rigorous process would take place over a period of 3 months, before the winners would finally be announced.

Panel of judges taste-testing during the Great Taste Awards judging round
The Blind Tasting Result
In 2021 and 2022, we sent a total of 8 of our products all the way to the United Kingdom. We had to ensure that our chips could withstand the long and potentially harsh shipping conditions before reaching the location of the guild.
Once our chips had safely reached the guild, there was a panel of highly esteemed food judges from accomplished chefs to popular food bloggers who tasted our chips. This was indeed an exciting opportunity to have our chips tasted alongside other exceptional food products from all over the world.
After months of rigorous tasting, the results were finally out.
And the verdict was: The judges loved it! Blown away by the natural goodness of our chips, they were amazed at how our chips still tasted so good despite the long shipping duration. Furthermore, they were awestruck at the majestic taste and texture of each chip.
Some of the comments that we got from the Great Taste Award Tasting
We are honoured to have received such high praise from these amazing judges. These prestigious accolades are testament to our commitment in upholding high standards in both quality and taste. This inspires us to work even harder in our mission of enabling healthy snacking with pure and simple ingredients, in Singapore and beyond.
So the next time you look at our chips, don't see us as any ordinary chips! After all, we have 7 “Oscars” under our belt.